Cat teaspoon that clings to your cup
In the past you would probably burn your fingers often or you weren’t able to easily stir the added honey into your tea due to the spoon accidentally falling into your mug. While you were looking for the spoon with your fingers, your nice and relaxing moment was unfortunately over in an instant. Having to put your fingers in the teacup is not very hygienic and you risk burning yourself. Fortunately, this handy hanging cat teaspoon came around. Just like a real cat, he looks really cozy and smiles at you while he’s providing his services.
Nice tea gifts
Original gifts that you can enjoy every day are always a good idea. At Haveables you’re exactly in the right spot for tea gifts. The hanging cat teaspoon is a perfect example of a funny gift that you can enjoy every day. It is hanging on the edge of your tea mug or cup with its paws. As a result, it does not fall in and you do not have to put your fingers in the hot tea. He also has a funny look to him. You may know a cat lover who also likes to drink tea. In that case, the cat teaspoon is the perfect gift. But there are many other great gifts to be found at Haveables. Feel free to take a look around and be inspired by the best gift ideas.